Rachel Hartman’s Amy Unbounded is one of the most lovely series in comics. Amy is an imaginative, rambunctious nine-year-old, the daughter of a weaver and a barbarian ex-warrior clockbuilder living in the queendom of Goredd. until now, she’s been independent, but as she becomes aware that she’s growing up, she has hints that becoming an adult might not be a completely enjoyable experience. Previously, she’d get carried away in her fantasies about living lives more interesting than her own. Although her silliness typically has a positive effect on those around her, she’s learning when *not* to make herself part of the story.

This book takes place during the summer that she’s going to turn ten. She and Bran, the neighbor boy, realize that they’re not going to have many more lazy summer afternoons. The children climb the church bell tower and see the entire surrounding countryside. This action is a symbol for their growing awareness of the larger world and foreshadowing that larger forces than their families and neighbors are about to affect their lives.

They’re distracted from this realization, though, when the dragon Lalo (in the form of a human scholar) concerns check out Bran’s brother to research the effects of the story of Belondweg on the women of Goredd. Linda Medley, in her introduction, compares Amy to a modern-day Jo March (Little Women), calling her spirited and independent. That comparison is appropriate for a book about the inspiration of heroines. The Belondweg of the title was a legendary warrior queen who saved her people (with the aid of trickster Pau-Henoa) in an epic poem. Her actions, whether true or not, still set examples for Amy and other members of her community.

As the story progresses, we check out with a variety of women, including a rich textile merchant who will lose her business because she’s unmarried. Amy begins to fear for her future, as she imagines being constrained by the expectations and demands of others. will she will be confined in what she can do solely because of what she is? how can she be heroic like Belondweg when women have little freedom? When Amy’s father is thrown out of the weaver’s guild for refusing to lower his standards of work, things look even more dire. another major plot thread in the book deals with the possibilities open to an unmarried woman.

The contrasting conflict imposed on her father helps put things in perspective for the reader. He’s trying to do things differently, always putting out his best, many creative work. His competitors are inconvenienced and try to stop him, not because of his sex, but to control and tame his independence. Although the women in this world (and ours) are more likely to face such problems, it’s a situation that can happen to anyone who has to deal with jealousy.

There’s a beautiful scene with a huge variety of women in their conventional “court”, the kitchen. They’re protecting each other in the face of discriminatory laws. pals are often the best help at such times. With loving support they can help each other overcome the limitations of their situations. Sometimes, heroism depends on context. Belondweg is a hero because she saved her people in battle. Pearl-Agnes is a hero because she sacrifices her happiness for those who depend on her.

All of this is contrasted by another possible match that can’t be allowed to happen. As one grows up, marriage becomes a question of balancing your priorities, or doing what you feel you have to, or even making the right deal, instead of something based solely on romance. sometimes love doesn’t conquer all, although it can make life better. emotions can often conflict with the practical thing to do. As a child, Amy can still escape to a good book when things get too difficult, although she’s beginning to understand more as she discovers young boys as boys, instead of playmates.

Instead of the simplified roles of pals or lovers, Hartman presents more mature and varied combinations of the relationships between men and women. The characters are extremely real, and overall, this is a fantastic meditation on beginnings, endings, and life in relation to stories.

Rachel Hartman has beautifully captured the freshness and charm of youthful imagination. Amy’s optimistic perspective on life is inspiring, even when things look bleak. viewing her grow up is subtly and artistically shown; we know what’s going to happen eventually, and we can pick up on the hints of what’s coming, even if Amy doesn’t. sometimes age does matter, but there’s still much to savor before rushing ahead.

Hartman has a fantastic eye for movement; much of the characters’ moods and feelings are communicated without words through their expressions and actions. As a self-taught artist, she uses simple lines that tell the story directly. Her work has rapidly developed, and it continues to grow surer and more confident with every chapter. She’s also experimenting with sounull