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Harbinger #1

Joshua Dysart has written such comics as unknown Soldier, Swamp Thing, and B.P.R.D.: 1946 (with Mike Mignola). He’s been tapped to write the return of Harbinger from Valiant. Westfield’s Roger Ash recently got the low down on what readers can look forward to in the book.

Westfield: For those unfamiliar with Harbinger, what must they know going into this series?

Joshua Dysart: Well, we’re starting from scratch so there’s not a lot you need to know going in. All that’s crucial is that the reader who’s ideal for this series picks it up. So if you’re trying to find a cool new and odd take on superheroes or something that’s grounded in the real world and speaks with the moment, but also pushes towards the fantastic and the surreal, then this is the book for you. Harbinger is a youth revolt narrative for our modern age and if that sounds cool then you’re ready to roll. but as far as actually knowing something that will somehow clue you into the narrative more, well, the truth is this book is being tailor-made to appeal to old Valiant fans and new readers alike, so you’re all good.

Harbinger #1 Pullbox Variant Cover

Westfield: What can you tell readers about the story and the characters involved?

Dysart: 18-year-old Peter Stanchek is a hyper-telekinetic kid with nothing to his name. He’s homeless, adrift and on the run from the law. He uses mind control to get what he needs, but he keeps himself in check. It’s not easy keeping your head down and staying out of trouble with all of this power. In our first issue Peter’s approached by billionaire Toyo Harada. Toyo runs a major international conglomerate that has a profound effect on world affairs. unknown to the world, Toyo Harada also possesses amazing telekinetic abilities. and the two enter into an alliance. but let’s face it, it’s only a matter of time before the kid with nothing will have to stand against the man who has everything. Our story is, ultimately, about that stand and how it will end up affecting the whole world.

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Westfield: What about the book appealed to you?

Dysart: It’s just time for it, you know? We live in a culture obsessed with portents ideal now. Doomsday narratives saturate us. As I write this the shrinking middle-class culture is living an existential nightmare built from class unease, generational jockeying, corporate mistrust, systemic financial failure, global food shortages, rapid environmental shifts and international safety issues. and the generation that’s on the verge of inheriting this mess, they’re pissed off about it. It’s the age of occupy everything. all of that is built ideal into the bones of the idea of the original Harbinger. Being young, pissed off and rattling the world with powers you don’t really understand. That’s what appeals to me a lot of about the book.

Harbinger #1 preview page 2

Westfield: You’re working with artist Khari Evans on the book. What can you say about your collaboration?

Dysart: Khari is killer (ha!). We’re just getting started, but he’s showing up something fierce for this book. His environments are amazing, and I love that. I love an artist who thinks it’s crucial to world build. I also really dig his panel-to-panel storytelling. I think the whole package is coming together beautifully.

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Westfield: any closing comments?

Dysart: just that I hope my excitement for this shows. one of the elements we didn’t talk about in this interview is the fact that Valiant is going to be a shared universe. I’m really into that. Being a part of a small group of creators who are all working together to create a continuous narrative sounds really cool and fun. I’ve never had a chance to work in a shared universe before, so I’m stoked to be a part of the collaborative cooperative. There are big plans for Valiant in the near future and I’m just fortunate to have a part to play in it all.

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Harbinger #1