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Bleach DVD

To me, it doesn’t make sense for VIZ and FUNimation to upload a lot of their properties online for free.  Sure, there are a lot of people out there fan subbing anime and reading manga online illegally, but I don’t see how these companies putting it up themselves can make it profitable.  Some people would just watch it for free any way possible.  I know I buy most of the actual releases when they come out because I can’t stand all the ads and really low par quality you get with online streaming.  will people go out and buy their actual DVD’s?  You could say that  since it’s online advertising could help make them money and more the more people who view it could increase the number of people who buy the DVDs.  hopefully that’s what happens.  With manga, once it’s released, VIZ posts an online chapter every week for free on some series.  This does make it so people don’t have to translate the Japanese text and have it read illegally.  It makes it so everybody can view anime and read manga legally online  for free.  I have even noticed with One piece that sites no longer have a fan subbed version and instead have the official FUNimation sub up for the newest episodes.  having more broadcast like this should help them out.  I just wonder how money  is made by doing this.